JULY 26 - 31, 2003


General Information: Oral Presentation

Please note, the Abstract Submission and Speakers Requirements Form must be
completed and submitted by  Friday, April 4, 2003 to ensure all requirements can be met.

To ensure your presentation runs smoothly, please take the time to read the following 

Presentation Times

For your presentation time, please refer to the speaker's confirmation letter emailed to 
you. Each speaker has 10 minutes to present with 5 minutes for questions. It would be 
appreciated if you adhere to the indicated presentation time, as it is very important 
that the program is on schedule. Speakers are requested to be in attendance at the 
Workshop and go to the Speaker Ready Room at least one hour prior to their session. 
In addition, please ensure you are at the session room at least 15 minutes prior to the 
beginning of your session.

Speaker Preparation/Ready Room

The Speaker Preparation/Ready Room will be located near the Ballroom of Monona 
Terrace Convention Center.

There are facilities here for speakers to check through slides and other visuals. A 
Technician will be in attendance to assist you if you need any help with audiovisual 

Data Projection, Overhead Projection and 35mm Slide Projection are supplied in the 
session room.

General Information: Poster Presentation

All accepted abstracts will be presented as a poster presentation. Posters will be on
display for the duration of the Workshop. Posters may be set up from 1400 on Sat., 
July 26, 2003. All posters should be displayed by noon on Sunday, July 21, 2003. All
posters must be removed by 1700 on Thursday, July 31, 2003.


The Poster Presentation Area will be situated in the Hall of Ideas in Monona Terrace
Convention Center.

Preparation of Posters

Posters should meet the following criteria:

1. Posters should be no larger than 4 feet by 4 feet.
2. The poster should be easily readable at a distance of 6 feet.
3. The purpose of the poster is not to show your paper in a printed format, but should
    be a summarized version of the data discussed. The message that your poster contains
    should be clear and understandable, and methods should be presented simply, clearly
    and concisely.
4. Outside the formal poster presentation time listed in your confirmation letter, it is
    recommended that at least one of the authors be in attendance during some of the key
    break times to discuss the work presented. The attending author should be capable of
    responding to questions covering all aspects of the presentation.
5. Include the title of the presentation, the name of the authors and the institution where
    the work was completed at the top of the poster.