Abstract Submission Information
The 49th International Herpesvirus Workshop will accept abstracts for oral and poster presentation consideration from Monday, 10 February – Friday, 11 APril 2025 at MIDNIGHT Eastern Time in the following topic areas:
Entry, Assembly and Egress
Genomics and Epigenetics
Latency and Reactivation
Virus-Cell Interaction
Each Workshop registration includes one abstract submission. A single author may submit additional abstracts for a fee of US $100 per abstract. If you have submitted more than one abstract, you must note this on your Workshop registration form and pay the additional US $100 per abstract fee.
The submitting author must be the same person who will present the abstract at the Workshop. All accepted abstracts will be in the IHW 2025 abstract book. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Abstracts selected for oral presentations are also required to present a poster presentation.
If your abstract is NOT accepted for either a poster or an oral presentation, you will be refunded your Workshop registration fee upon request. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, poster or oral, the standard cancellation policy applies.
You will receive a link to submit your abstract in your registration confirmation. Once you receive this link, simply follow the instructions and prompts on each page of the submission site to complete your abstract submission.
Create New User Account Log in with your email address and create a password. Record and file your password for future use. You must use the same email and password to login to your account.
Read and accept the Deadlines and Procedures Agreement.
Click to begin a new abstract.
Enter your abstract title in sentence case. (This Is a Sample of Title Case.) Titles are limited to 150 characters.
Select your proposal category (oral and poster or poster only)
Indicate if you are applying for an award.
Enter Presenting/Submitting Author information.
Enter Additional Authors information. Authors’ names will appear in the order they were entered in the submission site. The primary author’s name will be underlined and their email address published in the abstract book.
Please do not enter information, such as author’s names, contact information or abstract titles in all capital letters. Capitalize letters only where necessary.
If your abstract is not selected for oral presentation at the Workshop, you have the option of indicating satellite workshops to which you would like your abstract submitted for potential presentation.
Copy and paste your abstract into the space provided.
Review your abstract. Confirm all special characters are showing correctly and that the abstract did not exceed the 300-word limit. Words exceeding the 300-word limit will be excluded from the abstract.
Enter your award information.
Save your abstract by clicking the save button on the bottom of the screen. You can return and edit your abstract at any time prior to the deadline.
Compliance with all stated conditions including adherence to the deadline is required. Acknowledgement of receipt of completed abstracts will be sent via email upon submission.
The abstract submission period closes on Friday. 11 April.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide whether a submission will be accepted, and the right to determine the presentation form. Submitters will be notified of acceptance status and form of presentation by Friday, 23 May 2025.
For questions regarding abstract submission, please contact IHW@ConferenceSolutionsInc.com.