CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - General Information


Abstract Submission is Closed.


The 33rd International Herpesvirus Workshop will accept abstracts for presentation from Monday January 28, 2008 through Thursday, April 10, 2008, midnight Pacific Daylight Saving Time (GMT -7).

If online submission is not possible, please contact the Abstract coordinator:
Vanessa Porter                                                                                                                                  503.244.4294 ext 207

Submitting authors must register to attend the Workshop by the abstract submission deadline, April 10, 2008, in order to have their abstracts reviewed and accepted.

All accepted abstracts of registered attendees received by April 10, 2008 will be printed in the Abstract Book, and will be presented as posters at the Workshop.

A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.

More than one abstract may be submitted by a single author; the fee is US $155 per additional abstract. If you are submitting more than one abstract, you must note this on your Workshop Registration Form and pay the additional fee. You must complete one Abstract before beginning another.


  • Pathogenesis
  • Latency
  • Immunology
  • Glycoproteins and Entry
  • Assembly and Egress
  • Gene Expression and DNA Replication
  • Virus Cell Interactions
  • Antivirals and Vaccines


Click here to view a checklist of the information needed for abstract submission.

Please gather all necessary materials prior to submitting your abstract:

  • Select “Submit or Edit an Abstract” link above. To complete your Abstract submission, simply follow the instructions and prompts on each page.
  • Log in with your email address and create a password (Record and file your password for future use.)
  • Read and accept the Deadlines and Procedures
  • Enter Primary Author information
  • Enter Additional Authors information
  • Indicate your topic and alternate topic
  • Indicate whether or not your Abstract should be considered for an oral presentation
  • Cut and paste your Abstract into the space provided
  • Review your abstract
  • Submit your abstract


Formatting of Abstracts for the Abstract Book including fonts, font sizes, underlining, bolding etc. will be done electronically by the Workshop Managers.

All Abstract Titles will be printed in Times New Roman 12 pt font. Titles will be in sentence case with only the first word capitalized. Authors and institution will be printed in Times New Roman 10 pt Italic. Authors names will appear in the order they were entered with the primary author underlined. Abstract content will be printed in Times New Roman 10 pt font. In order to fit into the space allotted, the body of each Abstract is limited to 300 words or 2500 characters including spaces and punctuation. This is the maximum number of characters that the online submission will accept for an abstract.

Input all necessary Greek letters, superscript and subscript text in your abstract and cut and paste your abstract into the text field.  If you need assistance with this, please contact:

Vanessa Porter, Abstract Coordinator
503.244.4294 ext. 207


Compliance with all stated conditions including adherence to the deadline is required.

Acknowledgement of receipt of completed abstracts will be sent via email upon submission.

Submitting authors must register to attend the Workshop by the abstract submission deadline, April 10th, in order to have their abstracts accepted.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide whether a submission will be accepted, and the right to determine the presentation form.

The Organizing Committee plans to notify authors of acceptance and form of presentation by May 19, 2008.

33rd Annual International Herpes Virus Workshop
July 27 - August 1, 2008 — Estoril, Portugal