Please gather all necessary materials prior to submitting your abstract:
- For Primary Author:
- Name
- Institution
- Department
- Email address
- Street Address
- City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country
- Phone Number
- For additional authors:
- Topic selections (first and second choices)
- Abstract content
Select "Submit/Edit Abstract" link to the left.
You will see instructions for how to submit your abstract - simply follow the prompts.
- Log in with your email address, and create a password. (Record and file your password.)
- Read and accept the Rules and Instructions, and the Deadlines and Procedures.
- Enter Primary Author information.
- Enter Additional Authors information.
- Indicate your topic and alternate topic.
- Indicate whether or not your Abstract should be considered for an oral presentation.
- Cut and paste your Abstract into the space provided, or key in your Abstract.
- Review your abstract.
- Submit your abstract.