PROGRAM – Satellite Workshops

Satellite meetings will be held on Sunday July, 27th in the following topic areas:

Sunday, July 27, 2008
14:00 – 17:30
The Estoril Congress Centre - Auditorium

Chairs: Roger Everett, David Bloom, Jim Hill, Sandy Weller

The third annual HSV Satellite Workshop will take place on Sunday 27th July 2008, from 2pm to 5.30pm, just prior to the start of the 33rd IHW in Estoril, Portugal. The workshop will focus on the broad spectrum of HSV research topics currently covered in the general meeting. The session is designed to provide an opportunity for more HSV investigators to present results to their colleagues orally in an informal setting, and to facilitate more in depth interactions among investigators working with HSV.

Selection of abstracts for presentation at the HSV Satellite Workshop will be from those submitted to the main IHW 2008 meeting that involve research on HSV, minus: (i) those selected for oral presentation at the main meeting, and (ii) those for which the authors have expressed a wish for poster presentation only.

The programme will include 12 speakers, and we will endeavour to give priority to groups who will not have the opportunity to present at the main meeting, while not excluding abstracts from those groups that will. Authors of abstracts provisionally selected for the HSV Satellite Workshop will be notified by e-mail as soon as practicable after we have received the HSV list from the main meeting organizers. If your abstract is selected but you wish not to participate in this session, let us know and we will select another abstract from the reserve list.

The first two HSV Satellite Workshops were lively and very well attended, and we trust that this event will continue to benefit from the enthusiastic support of the HSV contingent attending the main meeting.


The organizers of the HSV Satellite Workshop are:
Roger Everett:
David Bloom:
Jim Hill:
Sandy Weller:

Sunday, July 27, 2008
14:00 - 17:30
The Estoril Congress Centre - Room F

Chairs: Mark Wills, Gavin Wilkinson

We wish to invite you to the Betaherpesvirus Satellite Workshop, which is to be held immediately before the 33rd International Herpesvirus Workshop. Previous Betaherpesvirus Satellite Workshops have been lively and well attended, and we hope that this event will continue to benefit from enthusiastic support. The workshop aims to be inclusive of all betaherpesvirus research and foster interactions amongst investigators working in the field.

Speakers will be invited for the Workshop from abstracts submitted to IHW 2008, naturally excluding those selected for oral presentation at the main meeting or who have only requested poster presentations. Talks will be kept short (10 mins) to allow as many presentations as possible and give time for discussion. We shall seek to include topics and research from groups that are not adequately represented at the main meeting.

Speakers for the Betaherpesvirus Satellite Workshop will be notified by e-mail as soon as practicable.

The organizers of the Betaherpesvirus Workshop are:
Mark Wills:
Gavin Wilkinson:

Sunday, July 27, 2008
09:30 – 13:00
The Estoril Congress Centre - Room F

Chairs: Ann Arvin, Jeff Cohen, Scott Schmid

The VZV Satellite Workshop focuses on VZV research issues and allows more personal interactions among these researchers beyond those that occur during the general meeting.

This year the time allotment is a bit shorter (3 1⁄2 versus 4 hours) which will provide sufficient time for 15 or 16 presentations. At the time you submit your abstract to IHW 2008 you will have the option of indicating whether you would like your abstract to be considered for the VZV Satellite meeting, should it not be selected for an oral presentation at the main meeting. We will accommodate as many speakers as possible, but will schedule those who won't be able to present at the main meeting on a priority basis.

We hope to have the agenda complete and distributed by e-mail no later than mid-June. If you are selected to present your submitted abstract but have a more intriguing piece of work in progress (a hot topic or late breaker) and prefer to present at the satellite meeting, please be certain that you get the alternative abstract submitted to us as early as possible, preferably within a week after the tentative agenda is announced. Overview presentations covering multiple projects will not be considered.

In addition, persons selected for an oral presentation at the satellite will need to submit their PowerPoint presentations by e-mail to Scott Schmid no later than July 22; this will allow time to organize the talks in advance for presentation and to detect and correct any glitches. This procedure has made for a very smooth progression for the last several satellites; PowerPoint presentations can be submitted in either PC or Macintosh format.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

The organizers of the VZV Workshop are:
Ann Arvin: (650) 498-6227;
Jeff Cohen: (301) 496-5265;
Scott Schmid: (404) 639-0066;

INTERVENTIONS WORKSHOP (Vaccines/Antivirals/Clinical Management)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
14:00 - 17:30
Room E

Chairs: Clyde Crumpacker, David Knipe & Hugh Field

The Interventions Satellite Workshop will focus on Vaccines, Antiviral Drugs, and Clinical Management of Herpes Virus Infection. This forum will allow more personal interactions among researchers interested in these areas, beyond those that occur during the general meeting. This satellite will be an attractive session for those researchers interested in viral pathogenesis and methods to translate basic research into clinical applications. Abstracts on antiviral drugs, therapeutic vaccines, and preventative vaccines from company scientists are encouraged.

We will have a three and half-hour meeting this year, making it possible for 15 or 16 researchers to present their data. This workshop will expand the agenda of the successful Interventions Satellite Workshop last year.

At the time you submit your abstract to IHW 2008, you will have the option of indicating whether you would like your abstract to be considered for the Interventions Satellite meeting, should it not be selected for an oral presentation at the main meeting. The Satellite meeting organizers will accommodate as many speakers as possible, but will schedule those who won’t be able to present at the main meeting on a priority basis. We hope to have the agenda complete and distributed by e-mail no later than mid-June.

If you are selected to present your submitted abstract but have newer work (a hot topic or late breaker) that you prefer to present at the satellite meeting, please be certain that you get the alternative abstract submitted as early as possible, preferably within a week after the tentative agenda is announced. In addition, persons selected for an oral presentation at the Interventions Satellite will need to bring their PowerPoint presentations on a USB storage device or CD to the site of the meeting by 12:00 on Sunday 27th July for uploading onto either a Mac or PC. This will allow time to organize talks in advance of presentation and to detect and correct any glitches.

The organizers for this year's Interventions Workshop are:
Clyde S. Crumpacker: (617) 667-5863;
David Knipe: (617) 432-1934;
Hugh Field  +44 1223 330810;

Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Estoril Congress Centre, Room E

Chairs: Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Herman Favoreel

Herpesviruses are important pathogens not only for humans but also for animals. Besides their economical impact, veterinary herpesviruses are also excellently suited to study different general aspects of herpesvirus biology in natural virus-host model systems. Thus, the satellite workshop on veterinary herpesviruses will bring together scientists interested in the control of herpesvirus-induced animal diseases and researchers using animal herpesviruses to elucidate basic principles of herpesvirus replication.

This year, the time allocated to the different satellite workshops is reduced to 3.5 hours each. Despite this reduced time slot, we will try to accommodate as many abstracts as oral presentations as possible. By the time you submit your abstract you may indicate whether your abstract should be considered for a presentation at the Satellite Workshop in case it is not selected for an oral presentation at the main workshop. In case we receive more applications than we can accept, the chairs will select the abstracts for oral presentation at the satellite workshop based on novelty and scientific merit.

If you have questions, please contact us and we will try to answer them.

The organizers for the Veterinary Herpesvirus Workshop are:
Thomas C. Mettenleiter:
Herman Favoreel:

33rd Annual International Herpes Virus Workshop
July 27 - August 1, 2008 — Estoril, Portugal